
Based On: Reflexes
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Characters with this skill can tumble, leap, and roll to avoid falling damage, to entertain an audience, or to surprise an opponent in combat. The difficulty required to accomplish a given feat varies with each situation. Use the following table as a guideline.

Action Difficulty
Roll to surprise an opponent (gives +1D to attack roll with melee weapon) Easy
Leap across a gap less than twice the character's height in length Moderate
Tumble to alleviate damage from a melee weapon (gives +2D to {EnduranceAttribute} roll vs damage ) Difficult

Alchemical/Chemical Concoction

Based On: Intellect
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

This skill allows characters to create explosive or incendiary substances out of various materials including herbs or other chemicals. Explosives inflict up to half their skill dice (rounded up) in damage (e.g. a character with a chemical concoction skill of 7D+2 could create a substance that could cause 4D). Incendiary fluids inflict standard fire damage, and the flames last a number of seconds equal to the roll made when creating the substance.

If a character has the theurgy skill (and therefore if it exists in a world with magic) and makes a Heroic alchemical concoction roll, she make create magic fluids, though she must also have access to the spell she wish to transfer into liquid (i.e. she must be able to cast the banish spell to imbue a potion with that power).

Creation Difficulty Time Required
Explosives Moderate 1D Hours
Acids/Glues/Grease Difficult 3D Hours
Magical Elixirs Heroic 1D months


Based On: Intellect
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Characters with this skill have studied the main functions of the bodies and those species of the animal kingdom.

Action Difficulty
Guess main functions of the creature's visible features Easy
Discover creature's weaknesses based on its appearance Moderate
After healing procedures based on specific anatomy, adding his anatomy die code as a bonus to his healing skill. Very Difficult
Diagnose infections and viruses Heroic

Arcane Lore

Based On: Intellect, Knowledge
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Those possessing this skill know the rumors, tales, and legends of magic (the GM should increase the difficulty for each attempt by the length of time since the occurrence at a rate of +1 for every century).

Lore Difficulty
Famous wizards Very Easy
Enchanted item types Easy
Individual spells and their effect Moderate
Precise locations of supposedly magical areas Difficult
Histories of specific enchanted items Difficult

Armor Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Fixing damaged armor.

Assume Identity

Based On: Intellect, Presence
Time Required: 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the complexity of disguise
Source: system

This skill allows a character to imitate others by changing this clothes and using crude makeup.

Lore Difficulty
Fool other for a short amount of time at a short distance away Moderate
Disguise his facial features Difficult
Alter body appearance (shorter, taller, slimmer, different species) Very Difficult


Based On: Perception, Reflexes
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

This skill helps a character maintain her balance, whether on a tightrope or being tripped by an opponent in combat.


Based On: Perception, Reflexes
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

A character with blindfighting can operate or battle in dark or otherwise reduced-sight conditions (blizzards, blindfolded, and so forth). Characters in combat normally suffer a -2D penalty during full darkness conditions. The character must make a blindfighting roll every 5 seconds to continue to enjoy the skill's effects.

Ability Effect Difficulty
Sense location of being eliminate blindness penalty Moderate
Locate inanimate objects - Difficult


Based On: Intellect, Perception, Coordination
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

The cartography skill allows characters to read and create maps of varios types from graphical to political.

Action Difficulty
Read maps and identify symbols Very Easy
Create small-scale maps Easy
Create terrain maps Moderate
Create world maps Difficult
Create dimensional/space maps Very Difficult


Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Effectively using communication devices and arrays.

Computer Interface/Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Programming, interfacing with, and fixing computer systems.

Computer Operations

Based On: Intellect, Knowledge, Technical
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Computer operations represents a character's proficient with computer programming and application use.

Situation Difficulty
Simple System Very Easy
Complex System Moderate
Encoded System Very Difficult


Based On: Presence, Perception
Time Required: 10 minutes to 1 hour
Source: system

Character must often rely on their ability to locate individuals to form a network of informants who can offer various types of information about people, places, or events in the area they inhabit (cities, planets, sectors, galaxies), or who can pull some strings for characters in need.

Actions Difficulty
Find contact Very Easy
General Rumors Easy
Secrets of the streets Moderate
Specific information about harmless individual or event Difficult
Specific information about dangerous individual or event Very Difficult

<Creative Ability>

Based On: Perception, Spirit, Presence
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

The creative ability skill covers everything from drawing to singing to poetry to dancing.

<Creature> Riding

Based On: Perception, Mechanical, Presence
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

This skill measures a character's ability to ride a living creature, whether it be a horse, a giant lizard, or even a dragon. Ridable mounts have an orneriness code that represents their level of resistance to being ridden. When a character first slips into the saddle as well as during events that may frighten the mount, she must make an opposed riding vs orneriness roll (the gamemaster makes the orneriness roll for the best). If the character rolls the same or higher value, he maintains control of his mount. Refer to the following table to determine the result if the creature generates the higher total.

Orneriness > beast riding by Result
1 - 5 Beast stops and refuses to move for 5 seconds
6 - 10 Best stops and refuses to move for 10 seconds
11-15 Beast bolts in a random direction for 1D rounds.
16+ Beast bucks rider. Rider must make an Easy (10) Reflexes toll to avoid being thrown off

Customs of <Region or Culture>

Based On: Intellect, Perception, Knowledge
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

This skill measures a character's level of knowledge about a given region's or culture's customs.

Type of Knowledge Difficulty
General Traditions Easy
Meanings of Traditions Moderate
Full knowledge of esoteric custom Very Difficult


Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Setting explosives to achieve particular destructive effects.

Diagnose Malady

Based On: Intellect, Perception, Knowledge
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

Characters with this skill can diagnose and potentially cure diseases.

Action Difficulty Time Required
Determine existence of disease Easy 5 seconds
Determine type of disease Moderate 1 minute
Determine medicine needed to purge disease Difficult 5 seconds
Determine specific cause Very Difficult 1 day to 1 week


Based On: Reflexes, Coordination
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

A character may take an action to Dodge in combat. The roll replaces the base to-hit number to hit (10) when attacking the dodging character.


Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Etiquette measures a character's knowledge of the forms, manners, and ceremonies considered acceptable by society.

Area of Knowledge Difficulty
Proper table manners and introductions of homeland Easy
Specific forms of conduction in a given situation in homeland Moderate
Knowledge of ceremonies of homeland Difficult

Increase the difficulty by one level or more for societies with which the character has no prior experience.

Exoskeleton Operation

Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Using single-person conveyances with skills and abilities that substitute for (not augment) the character’s own skills and abilities. This skill substitutes for the character’s Agility and Strength skills when using the “suit.”

Exoskeleton Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Repairing and modifying exoskeletons, powered armor, environmental suits, and similar suits.

Firearms Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Repairing and modifying any gun a person can carry, from small slug throwers to shoulder-launched rockets..

Flight Systems Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Fixing damaged systems aboard flying vehicles and spaceships.


Based On: Knowledge, Coordination, Mechanical
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

A forger fabricates documents or signatures. The level of difficulty depends on the type of creation and the knowledge of the person viewing it. The forgery skill covers both the act of forging as well as the identification of forgeries.

Forger's Chart

Item Forged Difficulty Time Required
Unofficial note or correspondence Easy Depends on the length of the document
Signature Moderate 5 minutes
Official document Difficult Depends on the length of the doucment

Inspector's Chart

Familiarity with Document or Signature Difficulty Time Required
Intimately familiar Easy 5 seconds
Moderately familiar Moderate 5 seconds
Unfamiliar Difficult 5 seconds
Completely unfamiliar Very Difficult 5 seconds


Based On: Perception, Presence
Time Required: Length of a game
Source: system

A gambler knows how to play various games of chance, understands odds and spread, and (sometimes) has the ability to influence a game, especially hose involving cards, dice, or wheels (or other elements that involve some amount of skill to win). A character who successfully cheats at a fame can alter the outcome in favor of anyone involved, including (and especially) himself.

If a character attempts to cheat (no matter whether his is successful or not) allow all others involved in the game to make Perception rolls. Anyone who rolls higher than the character's gambling total (the one he made to determine whether he successfully cheated) notices the character's effots to alter the game's outcome.

Action Difficulty
Know game rules Easy
Familiar with game probabilities and statistics Moderate
Influence game (cheat) Difficult


Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Accurately firing weapons mounted on powered armor, vehicles, and spaceships, or within fortresses.

Gunnery Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Fixing weapons mounted on powered armor, vehicles, or spaceships, or within fortresses.


Based On: Presence, Perception
Time Required: Varies depending on local haggling customs
Source: system

Thrifty characters often employ haggling to lower the price of goods they purchase or raise the price of merchandise they wish to sell.

Alter Price By Difficulty
10 % Very Easy
20 % Easy
30 % Moderate
40 % Difficult
50 % Very Difficult
60 % Heroic


Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

Doctors, medics, nurses, and other medically trained personnel use various techniques, medicines, and drugs to help cure the sick or injured of their ailments.

A character may attempt to heal another based on the current wounds level of the injured person. Only one healing skill attempt may be made per day on a particular individual. A successful roll indicates that the injured or sick character heals one wound level (5 wounds to 4 wounds, 4 wounds to 3 wounds, and so on) if using the wound damage system or 2D body points if using the body point damage system.

Current Wounds Level of Victim Difficulty
1 wound/75-100% body points remaining Very Easy
2 wound/50-74% body points remaining Easy
3 wound/25-49% body points remaining Moderate
4 wound/1-24% body points remaining Difficult
5 wound/0% body points remaining Very Difficult


Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

A character with the heraldry skill can recognize the banners, crests, and sigils of various clans, political groups, and governments.

Action Difficulty
Identify heraldry's affiliation Easy
Identify derivation and history of heraldry Moderate
Identify meanings of heraldic elements Very Difficult

History of <Area>

Based On: Knowledge, Intellect
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Increase the difficulty depending upon the size of the area involved.

Size of Area Increase Difficulty By
City -
Sub-continent 1 levels
Continent 2 levels
World 3 levels
Sector 4 levels

Identify Poison

Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

This skill allows a character to determine whether or not a substance is lethal to his species (increase the difficulty by two levels for other species).

Action Difficulty Time Required
Determine whether a substance is poisonous Easy 1 minute
Determine type of poison (sleep, sickness, death, etc) Moderate 5 minutes
Determine name of poison Difficult 10 minutes
Determine antidote Very Difficult 1 hour

Information Gathering

Based On: Perception, Presence
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

Information gathering measures a character's ability to pick up rumors, street talk, and current underworld events from various informants.

Type of Information Difficulty
Rumors Easy
General feeling of "underground" populace Moderate
Specific incidents Difficult


Based On: Perception, Presence, Reflexes
Time Required: Depnds on length of song
Source: system

Characters with this skill can choose among any instrument native to their universe.


Based On: Reflexes, Strength
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

The jumping skill covers leaps in horizontal and/or vertical directions. The difficulty is determine by the distance jumped: +5 for each meter horizontally and +10 for each meter vertically. If, for example, a character wanted to leap two meters forward and one meter upward, the total difficulty would be 20 (5+5+10=20).


Based On: Intellect, Knowledge
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Knowledge of the law can be a very important skill, especially when it comes to customs, incarceration, agreements, and treaties.

Area of Knowledge Difficulty
Basic tenets of generic law Very Easy
Homeland (city) laws Easy
Laws of other lands (city-states) Moderate
Specific discipline (real estate, tort, entertainment, et cetera) Difficult

Library Use/Database Use

Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

Libraries and databases contain vasts stores of information that may prove helpful or at last relevant to a character's goals. The difficulty of a skill attempt depends on the complexity and obscurity of the information sought as well as the size and accuracy of the library/database (beginning with a difficulty zero).

Complexity of Subject Difficulty Modifier
General Knowledge + 0
Introductory theories +5
Advanced/state-of-the-art/cutting-edge information +10
Obscurity of Subject Difficulty Modifier
Common +0
Uncommon +5
Esoteric +10
Library Difficulty Modifier
Cataloged, large +0
Cataloged, small +5
Not cataloged, large +10
Not cataloged, small +15

Example: A character wants to find information regarding the replication of cells in super-heated conditions. In this game world, this topic is considered uncommon (+5), and cutting edge (+10) and the character only has access to a small, cataloged database (+5). The total difficulty for his attempt, therefore, is 20 (5+10+5=20).


Based On: Coordination, Reflexes
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

A character with lockpicking can release the tumblers on a a lock without the key or combination. Note this skill applies only to mechanical locks (electronic, optical, and similar security measures fall under the Security skill).

Type of Lock Difficulty
Simple key-lock Easy
Complex key-lock Moderate
Combination lock Difficult
Microchip key-lock Very Difficult


Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Using basic field medicine to treat injuries, as well as detailed understanding and applying medical procedures, such as diagnosing illnesses, performing surgery, and implanting cybernetics.


Based On: Spirit, Willpower, Presence
Time Required: 10 minutes
Source: system

As many sages, philosophers, and psychiatrists have learned, the focusing of the mind can release formidable power within a person. This skill allows a character to temporarily increase one skill die code for a number of minutes equal to a 1D roll. The difficulty is determined by the amount of increase at a rate of +5 for each pip. For example, a character who wants to raise his dodge skill by 1D has a difficulty of 15 (5+5+5=15, since 1D = 3 pups). If the character fails the roll, he gets a bonus indicated by his die roll.

Example: A character needs a 15 to increase his dodge skill by 1D. He makes a meditation roll and generates a total of 12, not enough to receive the 1D bonuses. The 12, however, is high enough to beat the next lowest level (+2 pips), so the character's dodge increases by two pips for 1D minutes. He rolls 1D and gets a 5, so the bonus last for 5 minutes.

<Melee Weapon>

Based On: Reflexes, Coordination
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Characters who engage in close-quarters combat may wish to have the ability to wield a weapon, rather that relying solely on a weaponless fighting style. As a character becomes more proficient in the use of a particular weapon, she increases her accuracy - either striking or in pinpointing the most vulnerable area of her opponent. Since each weapon requires different knowledge and muscle control, a character cannot apply her experience in one weapon to another. For example, a character highly skilled in the use of a sword (die code of 7D+2) may have only a limited knowledge of axes (die code of 4D+1) and absolutely no experience in club (default to Reflexes die code of 3D+2).

<Missile Weapon>

Based On: Coordination, Reflexes
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Characters who engage in long-range combat may wish to increase their proficiency with missile weapons (bows, blowguns, pistols, rifles, blasters, flame-throwers, and so-on). Like the skill, each type of weapon requires different knowledge and muscle control, and therefore a character cannot apply her experience in one weapon to another. For example a character highly skilled in the use of a rile (die code of D8+1) may have only limited knowledge of pistols (dice code 5D+2) and absolutely no experience in blowgun (default to Coordination die code of 4D)


Based On: Knowledge, Intellect
Time Required: 5 seconds to 4 hours
Source: system

Navigation measures a character's ability to plot a safe course through a body of water or through space. Failure means that the pilot of the vehicle must make a piloting skill check against a difficulty one level higher than the difficulty of the area. Success means the pilot need not make a roll (unless he performs an unexpected maneuver): the vehicle arrives safely.

Danger Level of Area Difficulty
Completely safe; navigable lanes marked Very Easy
Relatively safe; few obstacles Easy
Narrow safe-lane Moderate
Many obstructions Difficult
Many moving obstructions (e.g. asteroids) Very Difficult


Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Plotting courses, such as through space using a vessel’s navigational computer interface, or on land using maps or landmarks, as well as creating maps.

Personal Equipment Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Fixing small electronic equipment, including damaged cybernetics.


Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Flying air or space borne craft, from hovercraft and in-atmosphere fighters to transports and battleships.

Public Speaking

Based On: Presence
Time Required: Length of speech
Source: system

Public speaking represents a character's skill at oration, his ability to speak in front of large crowds and to convince them of his beliefs.

Action Difficulty
Speaking with little fear and stammering Easy
Speak confidently with emotion Moderate
Convince crowd. Increase or decrease this difficulty depending on the demeanor of the crowd as a whole. Friendly, accepting crowds will be easier to convince, while hostile crowds will be more difficult to convince. Difficulty

Read/Write <Language>

Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: Depends on length of document
Source: system

This skill enables a character to comprehend and use the written form of a specified language.

Action Difficulty
Create and read simple sentences using a small vocabulary Easy
Create and read documents of medium difficulty Moderate
Create and read novels Very Difficult

Robot Interface/Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Programming, interfacing with and fixing robots and their systems.


Based On: Reflexes, Strength
Time Required: Depends on height of structure
Source: system

Climbing human-made structures requires a set of skills similar to but not exactly like that needed for rock climbing. The scaling skill covers everything from pyramids to skyscrapers

Action Difficulty
Scale surface with many hand and footholds Moderate
Scale surface with few hand and footholds Difficult
Scale surface with no hand and footholds Very Difficult
Stop a fall Heroic


Based On: Knowledge, Intellect
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

A skill in a science discipline (physics, chemistry, biology, geology, thermodynamics, and artificial intelligence, etc) represents a character knowledge of that area.

Type of Knowledge Difficulty
Basic knowledge Very Easy
Theories Easy
Complex concepts Moderate
Cutting-edge topics Very Difficult

Secret Societies

Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

This skill covers knowledge of groups that act in secrecy.

Type of knowledge Difficulty
Names and rumors of group Easy
Locations of operation Moderate
Philosophies Difficult
Activities Very Difficult
Personages Heroic


Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Installing, altering, and bypassing electronic security and surveillance systems.


Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Operating scanner arrays to gather information about one’s surroundings.


Based On: Perception, Intellect
Time Required: Varies
Source: system

This shadowing skill represents a character's ability to follow a given target.

Action Difficulty
Follow target in open area Very Easy
Follow target in small town Easy
Follow target in small city Moderate
Follow target in large, congested city Very Difficult


Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Deploying and redirecting shields aboard vehicles.


Based On: Reflexes, Perception
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

This skill enables characters to shroud their movements from the sight and hearing of others, including everything from hand gestures to their entire bodies. The sneak roll total becomes the difficult require for another character to perceive the sneaking character (usually though a Perception).

Speak <Language>

Based On: Intellect, Perception
Time Required: Depends on the lengh of the conversation
Source: system

The character may converse with any other creature who speaks the specified language. High levels of proficiency in the skill indicate a great fluency, including accent, intonation, and connotation. Failing a skill check results in some form of communication, the extent of which is determined by the amount by which the character misses difficulty.

Action Difficulty
Convey and understand simple thoughts Easy
Converse casually with native speaker Moderate
Convey and understand complex thoughts Difficult
Capture accent, intonation and connotation of native speakers Very Difficult


Based On: Endurance, Strength
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Those who dare to tread in the deep waters of lakes, rivers, and oceants must have the swimming skill or will risk drowning.

Action Difficulty
Swim in clear, calm water Very Easy
Swim in choppy water Easy
Swim in rough waves Moderate
Swim during a heavy storm Difficult
Save another drowning character Very Difficult


Based On: Perception, Presence
Time Required: Depends on the length of performance
Source: system

This skill measures a character's ability to fool others into believing he is someone else. The theatrics skill total generated for a given attempt becomes the difficulty needed for another character to see through the performance (usually a Perception roll).


Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Spirit
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

The theurgy skill represents a character's knowledge of magic incantations and items.

Action Difficulty
Knowledge of common spell Easy
Knowledge of uncommon spell Moderate
Knowledge of rare spell Difficult
Identify spell as it is cast by another character Very Difficult
Identify enchanted items Heroic


Based On: Perception, Intellect
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Tracking allows a character to follow the markings left by a person or creature. The difficulty depends on the terrain and amount of time that has passed since the quarry made its tracks.

Terrain Type Difficulty
Soft dirt Very Easy
Grassland Easy
Forest Moderate
Rain Forest Difficult
Desert Very Difficult

Increase the difficulty by one level for each day since the person or creature passed through the area.


Based On: Perception, Reflexes, Intellect
Time Required: Depends on complexity of trap
Source: system

The traps skill represents a character's proficiency in setting, locating, and disabling traps.

Trap Type Set Difficulty Locate Difficulty Difficulty Disable
Pit Very Easy Easy Easy
Snare Easy Moderate Easy
Tripwire Easy Difficult Very Easy
Lock needle Difficult Difficult Difficult
Wall dart Very Difficult Very Difficult Very Difficult

Urban Geography

Based On: Knowledge, Intellect, Perception
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

A character who knows urban geography can locate public transpiration, governmental buildings, and other specific structures. Prowess in this skill allows him to navigate grid streets, subways, and city sewer systems. A successful skill check means that the character can find his way to his destination in half the normal amount of time and without getting list. Failure means he either simple cannot locate his destination or he becomes utterly lost.

Type of Knowledge Difficulty
Generic city layout Very Easy
Location of specific buildings and structures Easy
Good and bad sections Moderate
Street/subway navigation Difficult
Sewer navigation Very Difficult

Modify the difficulty based on the congestedness and use of civil engineering in a particular city.

Vehicle Operation

Based On: Mechanical
Time Required:
Source: space

Operating non-flying vehicles traveling on or through the ground or a liquid medium.

Vehicle Repair

Based On: Technical
Time Required:
Source: space

Fixing ground- and ocean-based vehicles that do not fly.

<Vehicle, Flying> Piloting

Based On: Perception, Reflexes, Mechanical
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

A character must make a piloting roll whenever he attempts to perform a stunt (see the "Vehicle Combat" chapter). Piloting a vehicle under normal circumstances does not require a roll. Types of vehicles include star ships, propeller aircraft, combat jets, and commercial jets or any other class of vehicle which handles in 3D space.

<Vehicle, Ground> Driving

Based On: Perception, Reflexes, Mechanical
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

A character must make a piloting roll whenever he attempts to perform a stunt (see the "Vehicle Combat" chapter). Driving a vehicle under normal circumstances does not require a roll. Types of vehicles may include ground-cars, hovercraft, boats, chariots, and motorcycles or any other vehicle which stays close to the ground.

<Weaponless Fighting Style>

Based On: Reflexes, Strength
Time Required: 5 seconds
Source: system

Three standard forms of weaponless fighting exists in the known world: martial arts, wrestling, and brawling.

Martial Arts, the fighting art of the ancients, centers on a person's innate ability to control her muscles in such a way as to create great power in her strikes. Characters practicing a martial art employ a variety of moves, from frontal strikes directed at the solar plexus to spinning, high kicks to the head.

Wrestling has arisen out of a desire to disable an opponent without causing too much physical harm. Though some have strayed away from this idea, most who practice wrestling focus on grappling their adversary and physically inhibiting his movements.

Brawling, the least formulaic of the three, includes the typical tavern-fight tactics -- from wile haymaker punches to kicks targeted at an opponent's shins (or other, more fragile areas). Most characters choose a weaponless fighting style will usually learning brawling, the easiest of the three to master.